Tips for Busy Parents

The most common thing that we hear from our clients is: “I just feel overwhelmed”. First, you are NOT alone, as organizers, and household helper bees we hear this EVERY DAY. The fact is, many of us are juggling a lot of balls, trying to get kids out of the door in the morning, trying to keep up with our homes, and sometimes jobs or business, all while trying to make sure we are actually getting to spend time with our kids. So, I thought it might be helpful to share some tips to offer some much needed relief.

Meal Plan: I know that you have all heard this one before, but I am going to tell you exactly what has been a game changer for me! Meal Planning Cards I LOVE these cards! What I love about them, is that it does all of the work for me, each set of cards has five meals, and 1 dessert, AND a grocery list! I pick a meal plan each week that my family likes, head to the grocery store with my list and a wet erase marker. I come home and know that I have everything I need to make 5 meals that week! I did not have to scour recipe after recipe, making a grocery list as I go, which in the past would have taken me at least 1 or 2 hours! If you want to get even further ahead they have a freezer addition, these are great for nights when you do not have time to do the 10-15 mins of meal prep, just pop that bad boy in the oven!

Passionate Penny Pincher Summer Box

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Grovery List

Toys: How do we manage them and get the kids to pick them up? Well first, with small kids we do not always succeed in this, but we can establish some good systems and habits to help. In terms of systems,try a bin for toys with lots of small parts. We keep all of the bigger items down where the kids can reach them. We then divide all of the toys with smaller parts (crafts, legos, cars, dolls, etc) into their own covered and labeled bin, and place them higher where they become an “ask toy”. The rule for these toys is one at a time, and when you are done you scoop everything back up and put it in it’s labeled bin! These Target Bins are a great option, they come in three different sizes and colors, and start at $3 each!

Labeled Target Bins

Opt Out: A few years ago I read a book called, “Rage Against the Minivan”. by Kristen Howerton. In the book she talks about how sometimes as parents we have to “opt out”. Yes, we all want our kids to have amazing childhoods, and a plethora of experiences, but if all those activities come at the price of a sleep deprived, disengaged parent, are we really serving our kids? So this is your permission to say no. Going to every activity, playing every sport, or showing up to each birthday party with a perfectly wrapped gift does NOT determine your worth as a parent!

I highly recommend grabbing a copy of the book (it will make you laugh): Rage Against The Mini Van


A Quick Update


New Year, New You. (and other sayings we hate)